The holidays are right around the stressed are you? I am trying to remain calm I really am but it's not easy when my to-do-list keeps growing every time I look at it. There is so much to do and so few days between now and Christmas that I so wish I had an assistant. But I'm not a wealthy OC wife that can afford an assistant, I am regular old me and all I can do is keep things as organized as possible so that I don't miss anything or so I don't forget anyone. One of my favorite strategies when it comes to handling stress during the holidays, is to pamper myself and give myself extra "me" time. My family and I take a trip to Sam's Club every week to stock up on household goods and this is when I take advantage on stocking up on some of my favorite beauty items. These are the items that will pamper me and take care of me so that I can be ready to face each new day. Today I would like to share some Stress-Free Holiday Tips to help you cope with the time-crunch and stress of the holidays.

Care for your hair: Hair is a really big deal and I never feel better than when I am having a good hair day. You can find many of your favorite hair care brands at Sam's Club and with the larger sizes you can save quite a bit of cash. Saving money definitely helps me feel less stressed out!
Soothe your body with your favorite shower gels and bath soaps. I love the selection at Sam's Club on body care. You can find so many relaxing scents and formulas to really pamper you and make you feel brand new after a really long day.
The best beauty tools to help you look your best: you can find a lot of accessories and beauty tools to give you that perfect look. These brush sets would also make a fantastic gift for those beauty lovers in your life.
Sam's Club is a one-stop place to get everything you need for the holidays. From food and dishes for entertaining, to everyday snacks for the kids who will soon be on break, you can find it all. With the large selection of personal care and beauty items, I can shop for myself while getting the rest of the household stocked as well, and that makes my day a lot less stressful.
Now that you have all of your beauty goodies, you need to take them home and give yourself the time to use them and relax. Give yourself those extra 30 minutes to straighten or curl you hair. Pull out a colorful lip shade and start your day on a bright note.
Pull out your favorite magazined and light a candle for 15 minutes of relaxing reading.
You can also download the Sam's Club Healthy Living Made Simple Magazine app (App is only available for the iPhone/iPad) and get a more tips on how to have a healthier and less stressful holiday. This article is a must read if you are starting to feel overly frazzled : De-Stressing The Holidays.
No one is going to have a "perfect" Christmas and you don't have to do it all. First, take care of you and then manage as best you can by letting others help you. Make a list and share some of those chores and errands. And no matter what, take at least 30 minutes each day to give to yourself. A stress-free holiday is possible, let Sam's Club help you survive.
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