This review was made possible by Latina Mom Bloggers and Pampers. All opinions are 100% mine.

Julius's first birthday just passed and it's made me realize just how quickly time is passing by. It seems like he was just born yesterday, but we've already had one full of year of special days and first moments and milestones. Commemorating those firsts is something that I take very seriously as I think most first time moms do. In this one year we have celebrated:
His first tooth, his first laugh, his first haircut, his first crawl, his first steps, his first word, his first wave, his first pair of Toms (my mom says this is a celebration), his first birthday party (above), his first ER visit when he knocked his head into the windowsill and had to be stitched up.
Two weeks before his birthday he took his first steps and now he doesn't walk behind the Baby’s First Steps walker Pampers sent him, he runs with it! He also loves all the little activities it has and sits with is for long moments to play.
I was lucky to have been with Julius when these moments happened and I captured each one in some way. I have pictures, a lock of hair from his first haircut, and video of as much as I was able to capture. One of these days I have to get all these pictures printed out and start making some scrap books for him when he gets older. For now everything is digital but I would love to have it in special albums for him. That way when he gets older he can also look back to all his milestones and see how he grew up each step of the way.
To help you make all these special moments better, Swaddlers are now available through size 5 so your baby can be in his favorite diaper all through his diapering years! From your baby’s first smile to their first step, Swaddlers can now be there for many more firsts to come! To celebrate Swaddlers sizes 4 & 5, Pampers has 30 days of incredible giveaways and a grand prize of FREE Swaddlers diapers & wipes for a year. You can join the celebration and enter thir 30 days of sweeps on the Pampers Facebook page. There are daily prize bundles to be won and a grand prize of free Swaddlers diapers & wipes for one year!

Thanks to Pampers, we are also giving one of our readers an amazing
Pampers prize that includes all of this:
Baby’s First Friend- Plush Doll
Baby’s First Tooth and First Curl Treasure Box
First Words Book
Baby’s First Steps Walker/Toy
Pampers Swaddlers
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