A first birthday marks a huge milestone in every child's life, and for a mom, especially when it's your first baby. A first birthday marks so many changes in their life. Gone is the little infant that was so sweet and pink, gone is the little crawler who explored around the house on his hands and knees. By the age of one, most kids are walking or running all over the place and gone is any sort of peace and quiet you might have had. This is when you get ready to chase them all day and hope to be able to get them down for a nap or two. Julius is about to turn two, and that means we are headed for the infamous terrible twos. I miss the days when my little buy was so small, but I also love how much freedom he has now that he is older. He is a little man getting to know the world and it's so much fun to see how even the little every day things can enchant him.

When Julius turned one the entire family pitched in to make his birthday celebration something that he would never forget. It took months of planning and work, by many of us, to make the day as perfect as possible for him. Fisher-Price® is proud to announce the first-ever Hispanic dedicated program that will connect directly with millennial moms through the Mis Primeras Mañanitas campaign, which is centered on a key milestone moment in their child’s life – Baby’s First Birthday. In its first year, the campaign will tap into the culturally relevant and emotional connection to “Las Mañanitas”, the Spanish birthday song. Mis Primeras Mañanitas was developed to be a resource hub for moms to access unique and creative ideas for her baby’s first birthday party. As part of this campaign, moms can enter the Mis Primeras Mañanitas Sweepstakes where they can win a Birthday Prize pack that includes:
• Party Invites
• Party Favors & Decorations
• Customized Piñata
• Customized Birthday Cake

The winners will also receive 12 Fisher-Price® toys that include: Brilliant BasicsTM Corn Popper®, Classic Xylophone, Little People ® Lil' MoversTM School Bus, amongst other beloved childhood toys. Some of these are toys that I played with when I was little! Visit the Mis Primeras Mañanitas site to enter the sweepstakes and if you are planning a birthday stop by to access birthday planning ideas. And thanks to Fisher-Price®, I am happy to bring you a giveaway for a toy that all little ones will love, the Fisher-Price® Laugh & Learn® Crawl Around® Car.

Enter below and good luck!
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