I am a member of the Collective Bias® Social Fabric® Community. This shop has been compensated as part of a social shopper amplification for Collective Bias and its advertiser. #FamilyMobile #MyColectiva
One of the hardest moments for me was when I moved out of my moms house. My family is very close and having been my moms clingy child, I was not used to being away from her at all. The only thing that kept me sane that first year away from her and my sisters, was knowing that they were only a call, text or video chat away. Because I have been using Walmart's Family Mobile Plan, which has Unlimited Talk Text and Data/Web, I never have to worry about overages. In the past we have had plans with limited minutes, data and texts, so I know what it feels like when you are getting close to or pass your limit. With the Family Mobile plan, I've never had to worry about any of those things.
This Mother's Day would be a great time to give Mama the gift of unlimited talk, text and web. And how about a brand new cell phone to go with this plan? This week I picked up the new Samsung Galaxy Exhibit at Walmart for a very low $98.88. This cute phone gives you everything those more expensive phones give you, but at a price anyone can afford.
With the Samsung Galaxy Exhibit, I can text mom as many times as I want. Because it has a front facing camera, I can Skype with mom too. This is what Julius loves to do! He's gotten so used to Skyping with everyone, that he knows to point to the phone when he wants to see someone.
Most importantly though, Walmart Family Mobile allows me to be in contact with my mom anytime and from anywhere.
This Dia de las Madres I will be able to call all the moms in my life, even the ones in Mexico. Walmart Family Mobile has great international rates that include calling Mexico, Argentina, Colombia and Costa Rica for only .05 per minute! So I can even talk to las tias and other family members in Mexico, without having to have a special card or pay high international rates.
When you're talking to the famila, you shouldn't have to rush. With Walmart Family Mobile, let the charla (converstation) begin.

Giving the gift of unlimited Talk, Text and Data to mom, or to yourself so you can stay in touch with mom, is easy! Simply head on over to your local Walmart and pick out your cell phone, plan ($39.88 for unlimited) and grab a $25 Starter Kit. This kit includes your SIM card and it takes only minutes to get registered on the Family Mobile site. Your bill will arrive in a few weeks and what is really neat is that you get reminders about payments due so you won't forget to pay it. Walmart Family Mobile requires no credit check or contract, so you are not tied down and forced to live with a plan, should it not be your perfect fit.
This Dia de Las Madres, I will be connecting with Mom, sisters, my tias and my abuelita. My plan lets me stay in touch with all of these special women without having to worry about the bill. And all that money I save? It's going to go into buying them gifts. I might even have enough to get one for myself! I don't know about you, but I love saving money.
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