I do enjoy a bright lip, a red lip or even a vampy lip, but for everyday I have always preferred a very light wash of color. That's why my go-to everyday lip color is always Maybelline Baby Lips. I suffer from really bad chapped lips that's why I enjoy Baby Lips, they keep my lips moisturized during the day and give me just enough color to brighten up my face. Julius also loves playing with my Baby Lips so a few of my tubes are pretty destroyed so I won't be sharing a picture of each tube, but you probably already know all of these already. These are my favorite of the ones that I own.

#30 Peach Kiss
This is a very nude peach, I don't think I reach for this a lot because nude is not my favorite, this is one I would consider passing to China since she is the one that wears a nude color everyday.
#15 Cherry Me
Cherry Me was my favorite for a very long time. I almost finished my first tube before finally losing it. This is my second tube and I really feel like it has a lot less color that the first tube. It's really more of a sheer shine.
#85 Oh! Orange!
This is a coral shade that gives off quite a bit of pigment. I haven't used this enough but will be trying to put it to use this summer because corals are so in for the season.
#125 Very Berry
This is from the Baby Lips Pink'ed collection and my favorite. I have been wearing this practically daily since my mom got it for me. It's got the perfect berry tones and is the most pigmented of all my Baby Lips. You can see below what a beautiful wash of color it gives the lips. I've been meaning to get to Rite Aid to buy a backup of this tube.
#70 Pink Shock
This is almost as pigmented as Berry Me and very similar just more pink than plum. I think this is going to become my second favorite Baby Lips ever.
Baby Lips are just the perfect every day lip and I can't get enough. I'm hoping to spot the new collection soon and grab two of those. I just can't get enough Baby Lips. Which is your favorite?
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